Our Corporal Punishment Films

The Slave Pyramid - Super HD

Updated 29th Aug 2022 with Complete Film

Featuring Miss Zoe. Watching Miss Zoe perform CP is quite simply poetry in motion. This scene takes you into the real world of Mistress and devoted slave. This was no fantasy scenario, this was a genuine Mistress/slave interaction, as the slave's real tears of overwhelming emotion prove. Miss Zoe wants the best from her slave and he desperately needs to prove himself to her. She takes him on a roller-coaster of emotional turmoil and he hopes to be that much closer to the peak of her sacred slave pyramid once the beating stops...

Complete Duration: 30 mins 24 secs Photos: 28

The Hole You Dug For Yourself - Super HD

Updated 28th Aug 2022 with Complete Film

Featuring Mistress Eleise de Lacy. The punishment is serious and it fits the crime. Mistress Eleise is in no mood to suffer fools and takes out her anger with whip in hand and the slave trussed up to a tree, beside a very large hole in the ground...

Complete Duration: 14 mins 17 secs Photos: 12

Advantage Athena - Super HD

Updated 27th Aug 2022 with Complete Film

Featuring Mistress Athena. The two foolhardy slaves have got themselves into serious trouble. Packing their Mistress's sports bag should not be too difficult a task, but they managed to mess it up, so Mistress Athena decides to mess them up! The main culprit is punished severely, whilst the other is allowed to masturbate as he watches. Little does he know, that he won't be getting off lightly in the end either!

Complete Duration: 31 mins 32 secs Photos: 28

Back To Tawse - Super HD

Updated 22nd Aug 2022 with Complete Film

Featuring The Hunteress. The Hunteress's personal slave just can't seem to get anything right, therefore it's only right that she continues to teach him lessons with the use of the whip upon his back and the Scottish Tawse on his hands. Both leave a long lasting impression on the hapless slave and The Hunteress hopes will imprint a cruel but fair memory of the consequences of his failing actions.

Complete Duration: 10 mins 10 secs Photos: 13

Sergeant Stripes - Super HD

Updated 20th Aug 2022 with Complete Film

Featuring Mistress Eleise de Lacy. Flight Sergeant Stripes has not been toeing the line. His persistently bad conduct at the POW camp has got him into very deep water. He will be made an example of and receive the harshest of punishments, without mercy from the uniformed bitch. What starts as a heavy cropping, soon becomes an extreme caning, then turns into the most excrutiating cock cropping, before he is thrashed mercilessly with a single tail whip. Eye wateringly cruel and extreme FemDom!

Complete Duration: 39 mins 54 secs Photos: 31